2024 Fall Events, Sales and . . . Book News Soon
I know I've been sayin' it for awhile, but it keeps gettin' truer
Hallo, Substackers! Now that I’ve completed a spring of intense editing, a summer of intense workshopping with students, and am headed into a fall of my final writing bootcamps, I finally have a bit of time to update this. I know it seems like I’ve been quiet, but it’s because I’ve been mad-sciencing in the lab*.
*and moving house. Twice. First to the temporary rental, in October, then to the final new Stiefvaterland, in April. This was terrible. I do not recommend it. I have been an insane person for about a year now. Remember Sophie shoveling Calcifer in Howl’s Moving Castle? That is me, I am Calcifer. My fire dwindled dangerously.
First, the events:
September 21: Back to Back Books by the Warren County Public Library (Bowling Green, KY). 3:00 pm. Registration is free; the festival is giving away 200 books by each presenting author (first come, first served). I will have a scheduled signing.
September 29: The International Literary Festival in Utrecht (Utrecht, the Netherlands). 1-6 pm, further details to be posted on their site. ILFU is a ticketed event (€25 ticket). I will have a scheduled signing.
Second, the sale:
It’s been awhile since I put my 8-hour on-demand novel-writing class on sale, so for the next few weeks, you can use the code BACKTOSCHOOL to get it for $15. It took 110% of my brain wattage to migrate it to the new educational platform, but I really like it (and hope to add an editing course there by next year).
Third, the new book(s):
It’s coming, you guys, it’s coming, my adult debut. Even though I signed with a new publisher in ‘22 and now know when this sucker is coming out, I still can’t talk about it officially . . . which is good news. You guys are not going to have to wait long between when I shout about it and when it’s available. I’m so proud of it; it’s so Stiefvatery.
Also coming soon: the first of the Raven Cycle graphic novels, illustrated by Sas Millege. It looks fantastic, guys. I worked hard with the entire team to make sure it was something that Raven Cycle fans would love.
I know that’s not really book news—it’s the promise of news—but . . . soon, she whispered. Soon.
So excited for all this news!!!! Especially the Raven Cycle graphic novels 💙💙💙
Are your famous fainting goats going with??? Come back to the Great Northwest. We miss you. ;<)